Legal Notice

DMV Slots is a private service that helps users find DMV appointments.

We do not book DMV appointments. We just make it easy for our users to know when appointment slots have opened up due to last-minute cancellations. Our users pick the appointments they like and book them on their own.

DMV Slots is not affiliated with any government agencies. We do not use any government agency logos in any of our webpages or promotions.

All data on appointment availability are sourced from the public domain and sites.

Ethics Statement

DMV Slots adheres to the highest ethical standards. We do not abuse any computer networks. We employ real humans who are paid fairly to help with operations and search for appointment slots for our users.

Our operations benefit the DMV. Cancelled appointments are a substantial waste on our state when the DMV already allocated staff and resources to serve such time slots. As we find these cancelled appointments to give to users, they are now used by actual residents in need and no longer wasted.

When residents are allocated to cancelled appointments, they will not get in the wait line on DMV system and use up new reservations. This alleviates the length on the appointment queues for other residents. Also, they will not keep logging on and clicking on DMV system to find appoinments. This reduces strain on DMV appointment system and computing network.

Our operations benefit the people. As long wait times have been a major complaint from residents and reported on the news all over, our users typically obtain far earlier appointments and save significant time. Our average customer saves 5 months of their life with our service.

We are not a state DMV agency. Sometimes, a few users out of the thousands we serve might think we are. In these situations, we always explain to them that we're not a state DMV agency. We post this notice all over our website. And we always give full refunds to the users that thought so.

Questions? Please contact us.